Where theory meets praxis.
My approach is auto-ethnographic.
I draw from my personal lived experiences as an artist/researcher/teacher and environmentalist (what I call an A/R/TistE). I love writing reflections, creating mind-maps, and doodling to make sense of the world.

Publicly Accessible Databases
Produced in collaboration, intended to be shared.

For creative workers, administrators, artrepreneurs, academics, media, funders and general interest audiences interested in the arts and cultural sector in Canada.
Created through a partnership between Mass Culture and the Creative Hubs and Networks Mapping Initiative (CHNMI) at University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) with support from the Critical Digital Methods Institute (CDMI).
My role: Research Assistant

For independent artists who are self-employed and/or working in the gig economy.
Created in partnership with the University of Toronto Scarborough Library with support from Speciality Librarians, Paulina Rousseau, and Sarah Shujah.
My role: Consultant

For creative facilitators interested in integrating embodied learning strategies into community arts programs to cultivate an individual and collective sense of well-being.
Created in an Independent Study course, “Embodied Learning Case Study: Community Arts & the Environment”, with supervision from Drs. M.E. Luka and Andrea Charise.
Previews available upon request.
My role: Primary Researcher